Top 10 bottled waters

Whether you enjoy bubbly or flat water, it can be difficult to choose between all of the thousands of bottled water brands available.  Try flat water from Fiji, sparkling water from France, or the water enjoyed by both Elvis Presley and the racehorse Secretariat.
We've created this primer on the top brands to take the guesswork out of your next trip down the grocery store aisle. Next time you're thirsty, why not try reaching for one of the ten best bottled waters around?
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6 Drinks That Shrink Your Belly

6 Drinks That Shrink Your Belly // smoothies c Thinkstock

The Best Belly-Flattening Drinks

That ice-cold lemonade may hit the spot on a 90-degree day, but it’s not doing your waistline any favors. A 20-ounce Minute Maid Lemonade contains 250 calories and 68 g of sugar. Fortunately, there are plenty of refreshing summer sips that you can drink without guilt—and they may actually help you lose weight.
More from FitbieSexy Summer Slim Down
Here are six ways to quench your thirst without packing on pounds.

Best Indoor Plants That Won't Die on You | Knoworthy

Chinese Evergreen

Best Indoor Plants That Won't Die on You | Knoworthy

Facelift Results without Surgery?

Movie stars get it done. Fashion models get it done. Television personalities get it done.
Many famous people turn to facelifts in order to appear younger. While it's true that these options can tighten loose skin and reduce fine wrinkles, there are many detrimental side effects and risks associated with getting a facelift.
  • Pain - Lasting 2 weeks to 6 months
  • Numbness - For 6-8 months, and up to 18 month around stitch lines
  • Swelling - You may be unrecognizable for weeks
  • Bruising - Up to 8 weeks of looking battered
  • Surgery Risks - Including infection, adverse reaction to the anesthesia, failure to properly heal, or a doctor who goes "too far" once you're on the table.

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Misao Okawa at 116

World's oldest person turns 116 this week, shares her 'secrets'

We're wishing a very happy birthday to the oldest person in the world this week. Want to follow in her footsteps? Luckily, she's revealed her recipe for longevity.

Misao Okawa is turning 116 on Wednesday - an incredible milestone. The year she was born, Queen Victoria was still on the throne, the Spanish American war was well underway and the Boston Marathon was in its 2nd year.

So what's her secret? It's pretty simple, really.

The Japanese native told The Telegraph: "Eat and sleep and you will live a long time. You have to learn to relax."

Okawa says she eats three large meals a day, and sleeps at least eight hours a night. Her favorite meal is sushi and she's reportedly never had a major illness in her life. Talk about good health!

When asked about her happiest moments, she said it was when she got married in 1919 and when she gave birth to her three children.


The truth about tilapia



Tilapia has risen to the top as a seafood staple on American dinner tables.
According to the National Fisheries Institute, the mild fish has climbed to become the fourth most eaten seafood in the U.S., behind only shrimp, salmon and canned tuna.
“We never intended to paint tilapia as the cause of anything bad. Our goal was to provide consumers with more information about their fish.”
- Dr. Floyd Chilton, professor of physiology and pharmacology at Wake Forest
Mike Picchietti, president of Americas Tilapia Alliance, believes the fish’s popularity comes from the fact that it’s easy to farm, so it’s inexpensive and it goes down easy.
“This fish gives you a lot of leeway to farm. It’s a very hearty variety that is adaptable to different types of feed. It tastes pretty good too,” he told
It’s cheap, easy to find, and it’s fish – so it’s good for you, right? 
Maybe not. There are some disturbing allegations about the fish, and one is particularly surprising: Some nutritionists have been touting a study that they implies that eating tilapia is worse than eating bacon.

10 Green Detox Drinks You Have To Try

Let's go green

By Jessica Girdwain

Let's go green

Take one look at a photo of a celebrity and you’ll see something many of them have in common (other than foreheads that can withstand gale-force winds): a green drink in hand. Green tea, green juice, green smoothies—if it's green and liquid, someone trendy's bound to be drinking it. 
In fact, the color green has been declared one of 2014’s hottest food trends, as chefs and restaurant chains focus on offering more veggie-packed dishes and drinks, according to food and restaurant consulting firm Baum + Whiteman.
Even if you couldn't possibly have less interest in being trendy, your health can benefit from these nutrition-packed concoctions. Check out these 10 recipes from leading nutritionists, chefs, and wellness spas. 


Take the Stress Out of Caring for Your Orchids


 flowering plant has a  more beautiful, graceful, and miraculous bloom than an orchid. The name comes from ancient Greek, and literally meaning ‘testicle’ because of the shape of the root.
The story behind the plant’s name comes from a strange Greek myth:  Orchis, the son of a nymph and a satyr, came upon a festival of Dionysus (Bacchus) in the forest. He drank too much, and attempted to rape a priestess of Dionysus. For his insult, he was torn apart by the Bacchanalians. His father prayed for him to be restored, but the gods instead changed him into a flower–An odd tale, but none-the-less an almost perfect plant.
The only thing imperfect about orchids is how incredibly difficult they are to take care of.
Minding the light, the amount of water, where to cut the stem once the flower has fallen, all often prove too challenging for owners. Many even resorting to tossing the entire plant once the last bloom falls.
In an effort to save the many orchids sure to be dumped by their frustrated owners, we’ve put together a list for basic orchid care. Good luck! And remember if all else fails, most Trader Joe’s carry great prices on orchids..shhhh…
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Mom Bites Off Pit Bull's Ear As It Mauls Two Year Old

Fun Night, Rough Morning: How to Prevent a Hangover


Girl, it’s a ROUGH morning!
Last night you were drinking with friends, having a great time, and when the evening ended you went home to sleep off the buzz. You drank a glass of water and took two ibuprofens, confident this would deliver a good morning.
But with the rising sun came the monster of all headaches, dizzying nausea, and the dreaded realization that you’ll be curled up in bed all day trying to feel normal once more. And as you lie there, cursing the previous night’s fun, you wonder: With all the scientific research happening in the world, why aren’t there any good ways to either prevent hangovers or recover from them quickly?
Fortunately for you, we did some research and found some great tips on how to prevent a hangover before it strikes.

A New Solution That Stops Snoring and Lets You Sleep

If you’re like most Americans you probably don’t get eight hours sleep each night.
But, if you also constantly feel exhausted, experience headaches for no obvious reason or have high blood pressure, you could have a more serious problem.
That’s because these can all be the result of snoring—which is, in turn, the most common symptom of a potentially serious health problem—obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
While most people think of snoring as a minor annoyance, research shows it can be hazardous to your health.  That’s because for over 18 million Americans it’s related to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). People who suffer from OSA repeatedly and unknowingly stop breathing during the night due to a complete or partial obstruction of their airway.  It occurs when the jaw, throat, and tongue muscles relax, blocking the airway used to breathe.  The resulting lack of oxygen can last for a minute or longer, and occur hundreds of times each night.  

St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen

St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen

A Cyrenian Easter

A Cyrenian Easter

Saint Jean Vianney


Saint John Vianney


Saint John Chrysostom


Saint Francis de Sales


Saint Thomas More


Saint. Clement of Alexandria


Saint Bernard


Pope Pius XII


Saint John Baptist de la Salle


Divine Mercy Novena

Photo: "And immerse them in My mercy. These souls most closely resemble My Heart. They strengthened Me during My bitter agony. I saw them as earthly Angels, who will keep vigil at My altars. I pour out upon them whole torrents of grace. I favor humble souls with My confidence."    

Most Merciful Jesus, You yourself have said, "Learn from Me for I am meek and humble of heart." Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart all meek and humble souls and the souls of little children. These souls send all heaven into ecstasy and they are the heavenly Father's favorites. They are a sweet-smelling bouquet before the throne of God; God Himself takes delight in their fragrance. These souls have a permanent abode in Your Most Compassionate Heart, O Jesus, and they unceasingly sing out a hymn of love and mercy.

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon meek souls, upon humble souls, and upon little children who are enfolded in the abode which is the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. These souls bear the closest resemblance to Your Son. Their fragrance rises from the earth and reaches Your very throne. Father of mercy and of all goodness, I beg You by the love You bear these souls and by the delight You take in them: Bless the whole world, that all souls together may sing out the praises of Your mercy for endless ages. Amen.Mer

Saint Alphonsus


Saint Thomas


Saint Faustina


The Rosary


Saint Bernard


Saint Bernard


Pope John Paul II

Save Souls

Earth Day

Sea Angels

Wednesday Blessings


Solutions for Natural Flea Control

5 Solutions for Natural Flea Control

With a scratch, scratch here and a scratch, scratch there… Warm weather is returning and with it come the fleas. Those nasty little buggers could drive a dog to drink but pumping their blood full of prescription medication (aka harsh chemicals) or using harsh soaps and sprays hardly seems like a pet lover’s answer. Below are some all-natural solutions that will have your dog itch-free in no time.

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Not-So-Safe Foods You Should Avoid

Not-So-Safe Foods You Should Avoid

Some foods have been promoted as “healthy,” when they’re exactly the opposite. Clean Plates founder Jared Koch shared nine examples.  Here’s an expansion on his observations:

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Fingernails: 5 Signs That Point to Bigger Health Problems

Fingernails: 5 Signs That Point to Bigger Health Problems

By Marlo Sollitto, contributing editor
Changes in the fingernails can indicate everything from heart disease to thyroid problems and malnutrition. Here are some nail conditions that might require medical attention.

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The 5 Worst Condiments

The 5 Worst Condiments

What foods do Americans often forget when inventorying good food choices? You probably eat them every day, one little dollop after another … I’m referring to condiments.
Their effects seem negligible, so condiments are typically overlooked or brushed off as “harmless.” But they can turn an otherwise nutritious meal into a metabolic nightmare, having a cumulative biological effect. More negative health effects may occur at low doses, especially for hormone-disrupting chemicals.

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6 Mistakes You’re Probably Making With Your Dishwasher

6 Mistakes You’re Probably Making With Your Dishwasher

It’s been a little over 60 years since dishwashers came into the homes of Middle Class America, revolutionizing housework in the process. Today, about 75% of American households enjoy the privilege of not having to spend hours each week slaving over the sink.

But, despite all that practice, there are still plenty of misconceptions about how to properly use a dishwasher — some that will even surprise the most efficient housekeepers.

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The Meat You Should Never Eat

The Meat You Should Never Eat

From a local farm instead of the mass-produced variety from your local supermarket, perhaps this news brief from the Australian Today Tonight show will help change your mind.
If you haven’t yet seen the video, please click here and be ready to be amazed.
By now most people probably realize that ground beef contains the meat from hundreds of animals from different parts of the world, but few would ever suspect that the same can be true for prime cut steaks! Well, that’s possible through the use of so-called meat glue, used to “super-glue” small chunks of meat together that are too small to sell, and passing it off as prime cuts…

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One Thing You Should Avoid Doing an Hour Before Bedtime

One Thing You Should Avoid Doing an Hour Before Bedtime

“Oh sleep! It is a gentle thing; Beloved from pole to pole,” said British poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
But sometimes, the gentle beloved eludes our eyes, leaving our body and mind feeling tired when a new day dawns.
For years now, sleep advice has centered around some simple everyday things: don’t eat a heavy meal before bedtime, avoid alcohol and caffeine before you sleep, don’t take long naps in the afternoon—and such.

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8 Best & Worst Foods for Energy

8 Best & Worst Foods for Energy

Forget caffeine — with some simple diet retooling, you can eat your way to an active, productive and focused day. Read on for tips and tricks on what to eat and what to avoid for long-lasting energy.
Tips For Long-Lasting Energy:

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8 ‘Bad’ Habits That Are Good for You

8 ‘Bad’ Habits That Are Good for You

There are certain habits that just aren’t polite to do in public — or at all. How many times have you winced at an acquaintance’s knuckle cracking, or been disgusted by a stranger picking their nose in traffic? The truth is, though, that many of these habits are cultural. 

What’s normal in one country or century  may be disgusting and rude in another. If manners are little more than a social construct, then it makes sense that some of the habits we view as ‘bad’ really, actually, aren’t that bad at all. Click through to check out some of them.

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8 Foods That Surprisingly Impact Sleep

8 Foods That Surprisingly Impact Sleep

We all know that drinking coffee before bed will make it hard to fall asleep, and that drinking warm milk will help us fall asleep faster —  at least according to our mothers. But did you know that there are plenty of other foods that can impact our slumber? By making a few small changes in your diet, you may not be cured of your insomnia, sure, but you’ll be much better off for it. Check out some of the best — and worst — foods for a good night’s rest.

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Top 15 Concerns About Aging

Top 15 Concerns About Aging

The aging process is often accepted with a combination of humorous resignation—it’s not a fun process, but it definitely beats the alternative, right? The truth of this statement varies from person to person, largely depending on how kind the years have been to an individual’s mental and physical health.
Indeed, “health issues” and “serious illness” top the list of concerns of the over 50-set, according to a recent survey by U.K.-based online social care marketplace firm, cloudBuy. Coming in at a close third was “My mind failing me,” a common fear inspired by the stigma of Alzheimer’s disease.

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Holographic technologies: the end of conventional business…

Working from home just got easier. Credit: Thinkstock

What Are the Different Types of Salt?

What Are the Different Types of Salt?

Salt, one of the world’s most abundant natural resources, is a natural mineral made up of two elements on the periodic table – sodium and chloride. (Don’t worry, there won’t be an exam at the end of this article.) Salt occurs naturally in the sea, but can also be mined from salt mines on land. There are a variety of different kinds of salt in your local grocery store aisle, so what’s the difference and what is each kind used for? Herein, a primer:

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3 Reasons to Stop Eating Honey

3 Reasons to Stop Eating Honey

Unique among all God’s creatures, only the honeybee improves the environment and preys not on any other species.” ~ Royden Brown
From the basil plant a strong hum sounds, soft wings vibrate the air, endlessly searching for nectar. To truly watch these amazing creatures plunder and absent-mindedly pollinate these tiny white flowers makes one wonder how such a small creature could make such a large difference in our lives.

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You Wont Believe This Important Education Kids Are Missing ( Read more:

Educating youth on sustainabiity

Gary Allan Quirke believes all schools should be educating students on the benefits of living a more sustainable life. Changing the habits and mindsets of young students can encourage the next generation to more strongly consider sustainability factors in the products they buy.
Kenyan environmental activist Wangari Muta Maathai says that “we owe it to ourselves and to the next generation to conserve the environment so that we can bequeath our children a sustainable world that benefits all.” And if that doesn’t happen, students will take the lead themselves.

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7 Other Ways to Use a Pizza Stone

7 Other Ways to Use a Pizza Stone

Want your pizza to taste as good as your favorite neighborhood joints’ version? Short of investing in an expensive oven, a pizza stone is your best bet. Pizza stones, also known as baking stones, help regulate your oven’s heat; they also absorb heat, and allow your pizza on it to be baked at a higher temperature — a surefire way to get a great-tasting pie. 

Your crust will be thinner, crispier and more browned than most other baking methods. And all those plus sides of using a pizza stone? These perks work into other foods as well. Breads, cookies and strudels are popular options; but that’s only the half of it. Read on for great alternative ways for using your pizza stone.

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Fall in Love With Ramps

Fall in Love With Ramps

They’re cropping up everywhere, and no, I’m not talking about the mushrooms on my lawn. I keep seeing them on menus in chichi restaurants, in recipe guides for gardeners who want to think outside the box, and on foodie sites.
I’m talking about ramps, which look like they’re trying to edge out kale for “trendiest vegetable” status. Unlike kale, ramps have a much shorter growing season, but they’re packed with flavor and they can be used in all kinds of things.

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10 Apps & Tools for Maximizing Personal Efficiency

10 Apps & Tools for Maximizing Personal Efficiency

How to Propagate House Plants

How to Propagate House Plants

If you’re looking to bring a bit more green into your abode, don’t waste your money buying a bunch of fully mature plants. Way too expensive. Instead, you just need one (or better yet, clip from a friend), which you can turn into many. Here’s how:

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5 Non-Food Uses for Sugar

5 Non-Food Uses for Sugar

Refined sugars aren’t so hot for our health, but there are some household uses for the sweet stuff that might surprise you!
You may not put sugar in your tea these days, but it’s actually an effective degreaser, stain remover, and craft supply. From cleaning uses to DIY projects, there are lots of ways to use sugar around the house without eating a single granule.

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Sheltering Wings Of Grace's photo


APRIL 13, 2014

Palm Sunday is the day we remember the "triumphal entry" of Jesus into Jerusalem, exactly one week before His resurrection (Matthew 21:1-11). Some 450-500 years earlier, the Prophet Zechariah had prophesied, "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, Lowly and riding on a donkey, A colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zechariah 9:9). Matthew 21:7-9 records the fulfillment of that prophecy: "They brought the donkey and the colt, laid their clothes on them, and set Him on them. And a very great multitude spread their clothes on the road; others cut down branches from the trees and spread them on the road. Then the multitudes who went before and those who followed cried out, saying: ‘Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!’ Hosanna in the highest!’” This event took place on the Sunday before Jesus' crucifixion.

In remembrance of this event, we celebrate Palm Sunday. It is referred to as Palm Sunday because of the palm branches that were laid on the road as Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem. Palm Sunday was the fulfillment of the Prophet Daniel's "seventy sevens" prophecy: "Know therefore and understand, That from the going forth of the command To restore and build Jerusalem Until Messiah the Prince, There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; The street shall be built again, and the wall, Even in troublesome times" (Daniel 9:25). John 1:11 tells us, "He (Jesus) came to His own, and His own did not receive Him." The same crowds that were crying out "Hosanna" were crying out "crucify Him" five days later (Matthew 27:22-23).

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